Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 758 hits:

Pressemitteilung | created on 01.03.2016 | changed on 23.01.2017

UBA research studies point out ways for efficient integration of renewable energy into the electricity market

Two new research studies completed on behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA) show how the electricity market can master the challenges from further developing renewable energy. Their conclusion: the main approach should aim to optimize the existing electricity wholesale market, also known as Electricity Market 2.0. read more

KomPass: Anpassung regional und sektoral | created on 26.11.2013 | changed on 11.01.2022

Field of Action Energy Sector

The energy transition is a central step in adapting the energy industry to climate change. Further measures are necessary to reduce the demand for cooling energy and to secure the energy supply even under extreme weather conditions. read more

KomPass: Anpassung regional und sektoral | created on 26.11.2013 | changed on 11.01.2022

Field of Action Industry and Commerce

There are a multitude of possible adaptation measures for companies. Systematic, forward-looking risk management helps companies to take the necessary precautionary measures. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment