Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 38 hits:

Einstiegsseite | created on 22.09.2023 | changed on 28.09.2023

Just and Ambitious: Circular Economy – A concrete answer to transformation demands in a changing world

In 2021, the world’s economy was only 7.2% circular. Production and consumption patterns still follow the outdated ‘take-make-waste’ practices. As a result, the world has extracted 100 billion tonnes (Gt) of materials in 2021 and is more than 1°C warmer already since the beginning of industrialization. Circular Economy can make a decisive contribution to achieving the Paris climate targets and... read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 15.03.2024 | changed on 19.03.2024


Discover CASRI, a pioneering project uniting Environment Protection Agencies and partners across Europe to address sustainability challenges collaboratively. Learn how CASRI aims to coordinate research and innovation, influence policy-making, and drive real-world impact. Explore its approach, objectives, and key themes driving transformative actions. read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 06.09.2017 | changed on 18.04.2018

Stakeholder Dialogues

The Federal Republic of Germany represented by the UBA, and the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention hosted a series of six workshops across the Alpine region. The workshops were scheduled in order to achieve a broad-based participation in the process of drafting the Action Programme and to initiate suitable actions.The workshops were held during September and November 2017. The indi... read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 18.09.2018 | changed on 12.06.2019

Raw Materials & Environment 2019

Flyer (PDF)Environmental Issues of Mineral and Metal Supply in a broader sustainability contextThe German Environment Agency (UBA) is hosting an international conference on environmental issues of mineral and metal supply and mining. It will bring together decision makers and experts in the thematic areas of mining, raw material supply, environmental assessment, climate change, sustainable sup... read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 28.07.2022 | changed on 28.10.2022

Conference Content

Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (President of the German Environment Agency, UBA), Ruth Reichstein (Advisory Board of the President of the EU Commission), Michela Magas (High Level Roundtable NEB)The panelist discussed that cities in 2050 should be climate neutral, green, inclusive, incorporate all eco-systems and connect all spatial scales, from the neighborhood to the region. These goals require a de... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment