This paper correlates closely with the previous position paper of the Resources Commission which was published in 2016: Ein ressourceneffizientes Europa
– Ein Programm für Klima, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung (A resource-efficient Europe - a programme for the climate, competitiveness and employment). This paper highlights the fact that an effectively driven resources policy results in economic and social benefits for the societies and economies which implemented it. In this respect, this paper focuses on the necessary steps in the area of environmental product policy for anchoring resource-conserving and resource-efficient products and services on a broad basis in both society and the economy. This is one of the key requirements for realistically implementing a changeover in terms of both our climate and resources (KRU 2016).

Waste | Resources
Product Labelling Body for the promotion of product resource efficiency and recyclability
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Year of publication
Ressourcenkommission am Umweltbundesamt (KRU)
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