The linkages between climate change, environmental degradation, and migration are complex and multidimensional, with environmental change affecting human mobility in multiple ways. This final report provides an overview of key findings and identified gaps in data and knowledge, national climate policies and strategies, project planning and funding, regional responses, and international policy processes, as well as recommended entry points for further research and action.
The three other reports in the Migration, Environment, and Climate Change series evaluate the evidence base for policymaking in this area and provide entry points for response/action. The first report reviews the main literature findings to date, the second examines four key dimensions of environmentally induced migration in more detail, and the third looks at how climate change adaptation and finance responses/actions can be improved in the future.

Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Migration, environment and climate change
Texte | 79/2021
Number of pages
Year of publication
Emily Wright, Dennis Tänzler, Lukas Rüttinger, Dr Susanne Melde, Dr Andrea Milan, Alex Flavell
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