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Chemicals, Water

Mathematical transport simulation of pharmaceutical active substances into groundwater via bank filtration

This research project realised a universal mathematical simulation for the entry of pharmaceutical active substance from surface water into groundwater via bank filtration. This information is required for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) within a marketing authorisation procedure of medicinal products for human use. Based on an extensive literature and data research a numerical model was developed considering both, the complexity of the process at the bank filtration site as well as the requirement for a user-friendly query mask for the determination of the Predicted Environmental Concentration in groundwater (PECgw). 

The result is a Microsoft Access based application in form of a input mask that will help to determine the expected concentration of a pharmaceutical active substance in groundwater (PECgw), based on the expected concentration of this substance in surface water (PECsw).

Links to download an English summary and manual as well as the model itself can be found below (please note: the model runs only on Microsoft Access). 

Please also see the following publication: Müller, B., et al. (2010). "A New Approach to Calculate EMEA's Predicted Environmental Concentration for Human Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater at Bank Filtration Sites." Water, Air and Soil Pollution 217(1-4): 67-82. (DOI: DOI 10.1007/s11270-010-0568-9)

Texte | 14/2010
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Matthias Zippel, Dr. Stephan Hannappel, Klaus Duscher
Project No. (FKZ)
3707 64 400
File size
6735 KB
0,00 €
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