This study explores the intermediate uses of 53 petroleum and coal stream (PetCo) substances, focusing on 15 marker constituents with properties of concern such as carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reprotoxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, and endocrine disruption. It investigates the potential for these constituents to transfer during intermediate use into the new substance or product and into the environment. Five approaches are employed, including reactivity assessment, literature review, consultation data integration, supply chain interaction analysis, and upstream literature review perspective, to evaluate the likelihood of conversion and assess the potential environmental emission of these constituents. The report presents comprehensive findings that would interest Industry as well as policy stakeholders dealing with PetCo substances, substance management and environmental impact assessment.
Intermediate uses of petroleum and coal substances - a regulatory issue?
Environmental emission assessment of substances of very high concern from petroleum and coal fractions in intermediates
Texte | 18/2024
Number of pages
Year of publication
Daniel Vencovsky, Shannon White, David Carlander, Richard Stenning, James Hanlon, Frederik Verdonck, Koen Tiels, Lieve Claeys, Nora Ferencz, Sabine Navis, Linh-Dan Ngo
Further files
annex_01_-_list_of_the_53_substances.xlsx annex_02_-_constituents_of_the_53_substances.xlsx annex_03_-_uses_products_and_processes.xlsx annex_04_-_constituents_library.xlsx annex_05_-_suspected_presence_of_constituents.xlsx annex_06_-_prometheus_results.xlsx annex_07_-_ed_cmr_classification_screening.xlsx annex_08_-_svhc_screening.xlsx annex_09_-_final_shortlist.xlsx annex_10_-_fate_assessment_-_approach_1.xlsx annex_11_-_fate_assessment_-_approach_2.xls annex_12_-_fate_assessment_-_summary_of_approaches_1-4.xlsx annex_13_-_environmental_emissions.xlsx
Project No. (FKZ)
3718 64 416 0
German Environment Agency
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