Cover of publication Texte 83/2017 Identification of Priority Topics in the Field of Sustainable Chemistry

Identification of Priority Topics in the Field of Sustainable Chemistry

To enable the ISC3 a quick start in its substantive work, the customers (UBA/BMUB) have commis-sioned the drafting of three studies. The objective of this study was to identify to identify priority top-ics, i.e. technical solutions, concepts, business models etc., in the field of Sustainable Chemistry. A desk-top research has been performed to elucidate specific challenges and recent innovations in different fields of application and industrial sectors: 1) petrochemicals and base chemicals, 2) polymers,3) agro-chemicals (pesticides), 4) fertilisers, 5) coatings, dyes, pigments and adhesives, 6) detergents, cleaning agents and personal care products, 7) chemical fibres, 8) construction chemistry , 9) pharmaceuticals, 10) nanomaterials. Other chapters depict funding programmes and awards related to sustainable chemistry in the EU and the U.S., as well as tax instruments, funding and regulatory framework condi-tions supporting sustainable chemistry in Brazil as an example of a major emerging region with strong chemical industry. Finally, two separate chapters have been dedicated to the issue of sustainability assessment, in which a more in-depth discussion on the aspect of sustainability is provided for two examples: a) construction materials for thermal insulation as an application field and b) different synthesis routes from fossil and renewable feedstock to acrylic acid.

Texte | 83/2017
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Alexis Bazzanella, Dr. Henning Friege, Dr. Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl
Project No. (FKZ)
3715 65 499 0
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