Englische Titelseite der Broschüre "UMLANDSTADT umweltschonend – Nachhaltige Verflechtung von Wohnen, Arbeiten, Erholung und Mobilität" des Umweltbundesamtes, das Titelfoto zeigt den grünen Stadtrand der Stadt Frankfurt / Main
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters, Soil | Land, Transport

EXURB Environmental – Sustainable interlinking of housing, work, recreation and mobility

The city suburbs are becoming EXURBS; the centre of life for millions of people and the intermediate space between cities and countryside is developing dynamically. Living "in the green countryside" is in high demand. Digitisation and the coronavirus pandemic have further bolstered suburbanization. The brochure deals with the question of how a sustainable development between the city and the surrounding area can be achieved as well as how we can live and work, engage in recreation and be mobile in the EXURB in a more environmentally and climate-friendly manner. It shows which concrete measures we can use to combine an environmentally friendly development of the EXURB with a high quality of life and what role can be played by a stronger spatial, functional, content-related and organizational integration. The brochure is oriented towards decision-makers at the federal, state and local levels, planning and environmental associations, practitioners from the various planning disciplines and scientists.

brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Susanne Schubert, Alena Büttner, Jörn Lindmaier, Alice Schröder, Miriam Dross, Dr. Daniel Reißmann, Timmo Janitzek, Martin Schmied
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German Environment Agency
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 land management  housing  sustainable mobility  regional management  suburb  suburbanisation