The research project seeks to identify the CDM SD tool's possible shortcomings, and to make structured recommendations on how to improve the EB's SD tool. Findings from this project are meant to have a lighthouse effect on the development of provisions on Sustainable Development within other carbon mechanisms of the UNFCCC and beyond. This report represents the consolidated findings of three work packages within this research project. The first chapter provides some background on the subject at hand, and leads into the report. The following chapter covers the assessment and comparison of the SD provisions of selected flexible mechanisms and multilateral standards.

Climate | Energy
Evaluation and development of recommendations on the CDM EB’s Sustainable Development tool including the sustainability requirements of other flexible mechanisms
Climate Change | 23/2015
Number of pages
Year of publication
Christof Arens, Christiane Beuermann, Florian Mersmann, Frederic Rudolph, Karen Holm Olsen, Jørgen Fenhann, Miriam Hinostroza, Fatemeh Bakhtiari
Project No. (FKZ)
3714 41 503 0
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