International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
Immer mehr Verpackungen sind hochgradig recyclingfähig, die gesetzlichen Recyclingziele werden von den dualen Systemen überwiegend erreicht. Im Jahr 2022 kam es aber auch zu gravierenden Verfehlungen der gesetzlichen Quotenvorgaben. Was es noch braucht, welche Herausforderungen bestehen und wie diese zu meistern sind, haben die ZSVR und das UBA auf einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin erläutert. read more
Germany regularly experiences heatwaves, is getting warmer overall and is losing water. This is demonstrated by the new monitoring report on the Federal Government's German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS), which Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and UBA President Dirk Messner presented in Berlin. read more
The AOK medical insurance association, under the leadership of AOK Baden-Württemberg, together with the IWW Rhine-Westphalian Institute for Water Research and with the support of the German Environment Agency, launched a pilot study on ecological sustainability in antibiotic supply. read more
The Federal Environment Ministry and the German Environment Agency kicked off a series of regional dialogue events on climate adaptation. The first of these will be held by about 80 randomly selected citizens from the Central Elbe region. read more
The AI Lab is intended to lay the foundations for using artificial intelligence (AI) to make it easier to analyse large quantities of environmental data (Big Data). read more
All products that have a plug, a battery or a cable are usually electrical appliances and must be disposed of separately at the end of their life so that they can be recycled in an environmentally sound and high-quality manner. And because this is not always clear, the motto of this year's “E-Waste Day” points this out. read more
UBA today officially opened the National Centre for Environmental and Nature Conservation Information in Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt. The team, currently consisting of eleven people, will grow to 25 employees by the end of 2024. Their task will be to set up the internet portal. In future, the portal will bundle all relevant information on environmental protection and nature conservation. read more
Imaginative, ecological and forward-looking, the competition was fierce: Out of around 150 submissions considered at the jury meeting in the Metropolenhaus Berlin, 26 innovative projects made it to the final selection. read more