Joint press release with the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

40 years of innovative ideas to promote environmental protection

Federal Environment Ministry's Environmental Innovation Programme (UIP) marks its 40th anniversary

Logo: Umweltinnovationsprogramm mit einem blaugrünen Zeichen, das an ein Zahnrad erinnert, aber auch an einen Haken, der zeigt, das alles in Ordnung ist.Click to enlarge
The Environmental Innovation Programme funds innovative industrial-scale pilot projects.
Source: Umweltinnovationsprogramm

Over the last 40 years the Environmental Innovation Programme has funded 733 pilot projects which have saved some 790 thousand tonnes of CO2. The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) together with the German Environment Agency (UBA) and KfW, the promotional bank of Germany, provide funding for industrial-scale pilot projects. The projects show how innovative technologies can be implemented to help reduce and prevent harm to the environment. In so doing, they help to advance the state-of-the-art in Germany.

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said: "Environmental protection and innovation go hand in hand. We need innovations to master the ecological challenges of our time. Environmental protection is a good driver of innovation."

The Environmental Innovation Programme is a leading-edge funding programme which funds projects in Germany that advance the state-of-the-art in the innovation sector and beyond. The programme's flexibility is distinctive, always able to react over the years to new challenges. In the 1970s, acid rain was a major environmental issue. At the time, the lignite power plant in Wilhelmshaven used funds from the IUP to develop a new process within its waste gas desulphurization system.

Nowadays relevant issues include environmentally friendly innovations for the operation of sewage treatment plants, the production of large titanium components or the development of an energy-efficient bottle wash system at a private brewery. Environmental innovations do their bit for climate protection; add up to resource efficiency, material conservation, energy saving, sewage treatment, pollution control and much more.

UBA President Maria Krautzberger says: "The Environmental Innovation Programme is an important link between research and development. The programme helps to translate technical innovations into concrete applications."

Since the funding programme's establishment, the German Environment Agency has been responsible for supervising the funded projects. The KfW Bankengruppe assumes the administrative and financial aspects of the funding programme.

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 Environmental Innovation Programme