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News from the CCE
Source: Fotolia

e-learning course

The development of the e-learning tool for effects and related activities represents workplan item 1.3.9 for the Convention. The UNECE Secretariat applied for funding from the Federal Environment Ministry's Advisory Assistance Program, which is administered by the German UBA. The funds were approved, and the project officially started in April 2024. UBA takes on a dual role in this project, namely head of the CCE and technical project manager of UBA. Regular meetings with, for example, the WGE ICPs, EMEP TFs and the WGE chair are intended to contribute to the appropriate and consistent communication of content by acting as a discussion platform. The roadmap with the most important stepsis the following:
➢ September 2024 Final structure, content texts and resources for each module (in form of text files) to be
    presented at the EMEP/WGE meeting
March 2025 Presentation of a draft version of the course in the software at the EMEP/WGE Extended
    Bureaux meeting
March-April 2025 Test phase by ICPs and TFH as well as other invited testers, also from EECCA and Western
    Balkan countries
September 2025 Launch of the course at the EMEP/WGE Joint meeting in September 2025

Brochure on empirical Critical Loads of nitrogen for Europe 

Title: Empirical Critical Loads of nitrogen for Europe
This brochure summarizes the revised empirical critical loads for N compared to 2011. 40 % of ecosystems react more sensitively to N than previously assumed. The ecosystems studied have been visualized to make them easier to understand. Two maps show the distribution of natural and semi-natural ecosystems on the one hand and the distribution of forest ecosystems in Europe and the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) on the other. This brochure was developed as a low-threshold information tool for scientists, but also for politicians and the interested public in the EU and the EECCA countries.


The CCE aims at establishing a more dynamic communication within the WGE, and especially with its NFCs. Togehter with the TF Modelling & Mapping and the Centre for Dynamic Modelling (CDM) we plan to publish a newsletter at least twice a year. Please, feel free to submit information relevant for the whole group so we can include it into our next newsletter.

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