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Press release on Climate | Energy

Sustainable mobility on foot, by bike, bus, and rail

The motto of this year’s European Mobility Week is ‘Improving City Climates’. This is the first year that the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is participating in the Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit (Going to work by bike) campaign co-sponsored by the Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrradclub (ADFC) and the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) with 140 active cyclists. In mathematical terms, participants cycled the equivalent distance of once around the earth in the course of the three-month campaign, in a climate-friendly way from the Berlin and Dessau-Roßlau starting points. One staff member at UBA’s Schauinsland measuring station climbed a total of 19,000 metres over a 20-day period-more than twice the distance to the summit of Mount Everest. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment