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Press release on Climate | Energy and Economy | Consumption

Emerging economies can also make a lasting contribution to climate protection

Emerging economies can also do their bit to meet global climate protection goals without fear of economic repercussions. This is the conclusion reached by a study conducted on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), according to which the six economically developed countries of Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa and South Korea dispose of vast emission reduction potential, which in some cases does not even incur net costs and also, as a positive side-effect, creates jobs. In order to exploit this potential, however, the emerging economies need the support of industrialised countries. ”Industrialised countries carry a responsibility. They may not only make constant demands on emerging economies to comply with climate protection measures, they must show them how it can be done”, said Harry Lehmann, head of the UBA division responsible for climate protection issues. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment