
Das Dienstgebäude am Corrensplatz in Berlin
© Umweltbundesamt

Considering vulnerable groups in policy, research and risk communication in the field of Environment and Health

11th September 2018 in Berlin, Germany


The preliminary programme can be found in this PDF document.

11. September 2018

08.30 | Registration & coffee


09.00 | Welcome and meeting objectives

  • Welcome by Wolfgang Straff, Head of Department "Environmental Hygiene", UBA
  • Context and objectives of the ERA-ENVHEALTH open conference, Judith Meierrose, UBA

09.20 | Nadja Steinkühler, German Environment Agency (UBA)

  • Vulnerability in the field of environment and health – Conceptual background and selected
    activities of the German Environment Agency (Download Präsentation)

09.55 | Suzan Fiack, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

10.30 | Coffee Break


11.00 | Adrienne Pittman, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)

11.35 | Karin Björklund, Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten)

12.10 | Hanneke Kruize, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

12.45 | Lunch


13.45 | Carlos Borrego, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

14.20 | Bert Morrens, University of Antwerp, Flemish Center of Expertise on Environment and
Health (Belgium)

  • Involving vulnerable groups in environmental health research – Experiences from the Flemish Environment and Health Study (Download Präsentation)

14.55 | Coffee break


15.25 | Liliana Cori and Fabrizio Bianchi, Italian National Research Council (CNR)

16.00 | Béatrice Fervers, Centre Léon Bérard (CLB, France)

  • Risk perception and communication in vulnerable populations: primary and tertiary cancer prevention (Download Präsentation)

16.35 | Closing discussion 

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