
Preliminary version

Day 1: Monday 4 November 2019


12.30 – 13.00   Registration


13.00 – 13.05   Opening: Presentation of agenda and schedule for the day

Conny Czymoch


13.05 – 13.20   Opening remarks by UBA President

Maria Krautzberger (UBA)


13.20 – 13.50   Keynote 1: Sustainable resource use and climate change

Shardul Agrawala (OECD)


13.50 – 14.15   Keynote 2: Global energy transformation: a roadmap to 2050

Sean Collins, (IRENA)


14.15 – 14.30   Plenary discussion

Key note speakers


14.30 – 15.00   Coffee break


15.00 – 17.00  RESCUE – Resource-Efficient Pathways towards Greenhouse-Gas-Neutrality

Harry Lehmann, UBA

Monika Dittrich, ifeu

  • Intro / Setting the Scene
  • Modelling Approach 
  • Selected RESCUE results and scenario comparisons

  • Main conclusions from the project


17.00 – 17.40   Table conversations on stage 

Harry Lehmann, Monika Dittrich et al.


17.30 – 17.45   Wrap-up / look ahead to the next day

Conny Czymoch


17:45 – 20:00   Get together


Day 2: Tuesday 5 November 2019


09.00 – 09.05   Welcome and introduction for day 2

Conny Czymoch


09.05 – 09.30   Keynote 3: Overview of the UNEP IRP work on resource efficiency and climate change scenarios

Stefan Pauliuk, University Freiburg


09.30 – 11.00   Panel Discussions

Session 1: Challenges and opportunities – Decarbonisation of the industry

Bettina Rechenberg (UBA)

Joachim Hein (BDI)

Andreas Theuer (Thyssen-Krupp)

Peter Viebahn (Wuppertal Institute)

Moderation Regine Vogt (ifeu)


Session 2: Challenges and opportunities –Transforming the energy system

Eric Vidalenc (L'Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie, ADEME)

-Representativ of Economic Analysis and Financial Instruments, DG Energy, European Commission (tbc)

Karsten Krause/Benno Hain (UBA)


Session 3: Challenges and opportunities –Transforming the transport sector/mobility

Martin Lange (UBA)

Ruth Blanck (Öko-Institut)

Fabio Marques Dos Santos (Joint Research Centre)

Facilitator: Günter Hörmandinger (Agora Verkehrswende)


11.00 – 11.15   Coffee break


11.15 – 11.45   Summary of the parallel sessions

Facilitators workshop sessions + Conny Czymoch


11.45 – 12.45   Shaping the transformation:  Behavioural change as major element. What does that mean for decarbonisation strategies?

Short input

3 statements about behavioral change based on RTD-study (UBA)


Sanne Nijburg (economist) vs. Myriam Rapior (BUNDYouth)


12.45 – 13.45   Lunch break


13.45 – 14.45   Measuring the transformation: Beyond GDP, and RTD: how can new approaches from degrowth and alternative economic indices help foster the developments?

Presentation of alternative welfare indices such as NWI

Dorothee Rodenhäuser (FEST), Roland Zieschank (FFU)

Q&A facilitated by Conny Czymoch


14.45 – 15.00   Coffee break


15.00 – 16.00   Policy and systemic approaches corresponding with transformation: How to shape governmental and economic regimes at national, EU and international level?

Pitches and inputs:

Julia Hertin (SRU), Kai Neumann (consideo), Felix Creutzig (TU Berlin, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons)


16.00 – 16.15   Wrap-up & closing remark


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