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How to improve the International Standard on carbon neutrality

A photovoltaic system is installed on the roof of a warehouse

The International Organization for Standardizations (ISO) last year published the first standard on carbon neutrality of organizations and products. In a new factsheet, the German Environment Agency (UBA) outlines its strength and shortcomings and draws some conclusions relevant to companies, verifiers, courts and policymakers. read more

Press release on Climate | Energy

Federal “Blue Compass” award launches in new round of competition

Grafik mit der Aufschrift "Bundespreis Blauer Kompass – Jetzt mit Ihrem Projekt bewerben!" in weißen Buchstaben auf einem blau-grünen Hintergrund. Oben rechts sind die Logos des Bundesumweltministeriums und des Umweltbundesamtes zu sehen.

As of today, projects can once again apply for the “Blue Compass” federal award – the highest state award in Germany for projects to adapt to the consequences of climate change. The award is aimed at local authorities, private and municipal companies, educational and research institutions as well as clubs, associations and foundations. The deadline for applications is March 22, 2024. read more

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