
Indicator: Air quality in agglomerations

A graph for three air pollutants shows the extent to which the WHO recommendations from 2021 will be exceeded on average in urban areas between 2000 and 2023. The development of the various pollutants varies. Between 2000 and 2023, values for NO2 are between 172 and 31 percent, for ozone between 44 and 32 percent and for PM2.5 between 255 and 60 percent.

The basic pollution levels in German conurbations significantly exceed WHO recommendations from 2021 for particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂).In the vicinity of pollutant sources, pollution levels can even be significantly higher.The situation for NO₂ and PM2.5 has improved considerably since 2000, but the WHO recommendations for 2021 are still clearly exceeded.Ozone and PM2.5 pol... read more


WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management

Schild des WHO CC Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control (WHO CC) provides the WHO Regional Office for Europe with scientific advice and support in the field of health impact assessment of ambient and indoor air pollution, and climate change. read more


Commissions and Working Groups

etwa 10 Leute sitzen auf einer Veranstaltung an U-förmig aufgestellten Tischen mit Namensschildern und Laptops, vorne läuft ein Beamer

Experts from federal and other authorities, from universities and other research institutes give advice to the Federal Environment Agency in commissions and working groups. Recommended actions are worked out after intensive discussion. Otherwise the Federal Environment Agency provides advice to working groups of federal government and German federal states as well as to the WHO. read more


Traffic noise

Traffic noise is a serious problem in Germany, where surveys show that traffic-noise pollution has declined only marginally over the past decade. A statistically significant proportion of the German population is exposed to a sufficiently high level of noise pollution for this factor to constitute a probable health risk. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment