air conditioning

Climate | Energy

Mobile air conditioning in rail vehicles

modern high speed train in the city in winter

Rail vehicles include local and long-distance trains, suburban fast trains, underground trains and trams. The energy for heating is provided electrically or with diesel fuel. Mobile air conditioning systems in rail vehicles are usually charged with HFC refrigerants. HFCs, or hydrofluorocarbons, are very potent greenhouse gases. read more

Climate | Energy

Mobile air conditioning in cars, buses and railway vehicles

An EU directive has banned the use of fluorinated refrigerants with a global warming potential of more than 150 in certain mobile air conditioning systems since Jan. 2011. It requires the previously used refrigerant tetrafluoroethane (R134a) to be replaced. Natural refrigerants are considered the best environmental alternative. Climate-friendly alternatives are also available for buses and trains. read more

Climate | Energy

Building air conditioning

A lot of room air conditioners hangig on the face of a building

It is only recently that air conditioning has become relatively common in German buildings. The high standard of living has ramped up expectations concerning comfort and convenience in the home and particularly at the workplace, and this in turn has increased energy demand. The refrigerants used in more than 95 percent of Germany’s air conditioners strongly affect the climate. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

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