Environmental protection continues to be a significant economic factor in Germany's economy, says the latest report by UBA on the environmental industry. read more

Environmental protection continues to be a significant economic factor in Germany's economy, says the latest report by UBA on the environmental industry. read more
This year's Blue Angel Prize goes to the telecommunications service provider Telekom Deutschland GmbH. During the ceremonies for the German Sustainability Award, Mr. Ralph Caspers, environmental ambassador for the Blue Angel, conferred the award on 27 November in Düsseldorf. read more
The German Environment Agency has published its Data on the Environment 2015 report. Action is needed with regard to greenhouse gases, raw material efficiency and nutrient pollution, good news in recycling and drinking water quality. read more
The aim of the research project “Resource-efficient land use – Towards a Global Sustainable Land Use Standard” was to spark a debate on the development of a standard for global sustainable land use, launch the requisite scientific process and explore and identify options for implementing a global sustainable land use. read more
The prize will be awarded this year to businesses which have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to protecting the environment and climate. read more
Significantly more court decisions taken on exports of waste to Africa and Eastern Europe read more
Fertile soils are essential for life. Their preservation is set to become one of the United Nations’ global sustainability goals, under the heading “land degradation neutral world”. A legal study commissioned by UBA looked into how this goal could be implemented at international level. read more
The planned free trade agreement known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), if improperly designed, could result in a softening of EU environmental standards. read more