This year's winners of the Blauer Kompass contest: an innovative urban sewage system in Solingen, an educational programme on climate change for trainees in Heidelberg, a project to green a city neighbourhood in Cologne, and a shade provider operated with photovoltaic modules by the Kunsthochschule Kassel. read more
How cities can respond to heat waves and heavy rains – creative projects show how it is done
Paths to energy-efficient urban development: resources now online
From 2015 to 2017, the Advisory Assistance Programme funded a project of Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO), which provided advice to the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment on development and implementation of approaches for energy-efficient redevelopment of urban areas. The documentation is now online. A brochure and a leaflet facilitate the transfer of knowledge also beyond Lithuania. read more
EU Stakeholders discuss requirements for water reuse
The use of treated wastewater, e.g. for agricultural irrigation, can alleviate pressures on water resources. At the same time it poses risks as treated wastewater can contain pathogens and chemicals. By May 2018 the European Commission wants to publish a regulatory proposal for requirements. UBA President Krautzberger and EU Parliamentarian Wölken invited for a discussion on 22 March in Brussels. read more
European Strategy for Plastics: Good approach, but too unclear
The German Environment Agency welcomes the EU’s initiative to change the use of plastics in Europe. The European Commission presented its Plastics Strategy on January 16th. read more
Recognition of environmental and nature protection associations
Environmental and nature conservation associations can gain recognition pursuant to art. 3 Environmental Appeals Act (Umwelt-Rechtsbehelfsgesetz, UmwRG) and thereby acquire special participation and litigation rights. The German Environment Agency (UBA) and the competent authorities at federal state (Länder) level are responsible for granting recognition. read more
Data on the state of the environment in Germany: a mixed picture
The German Environment Agency recently published its Data on the Environment 2017 report. Action is needed with regard to climate protection policy, improvement of resource efficiency and nutrient pollution, good news for recycling rates and drinking water quality. read more
Environmental availability of raw materials
The availability of raw materials is determined by more than technical-geological, economic and political factors alone: the environmental risks of mining also has an impact. read more
WEEE: EU-wide enforcement of producer responsibility
The agencies from nearly 20 EU countries responsible for the enforcement of the European WEEE Directive have formed a network. UBA initiated the constitutional meeting on 7-8 September 2017. The representatives from all participating EU-countries agreed to cooperate more closely in the future in order to prosecute non-compliant producers who trade across borders more effectively. read more