Soil carries out myriad functions that are free of charge and extremely powerful, and that are what make soil so valuable not only to us but also to natural flora and fauna. Clean water and healthy food are only obtainable if our soils are healthy too. And while the soil supports myriad functions, it also needs stewardship. read more
Soil functions
More ecofriendliness in food sector necessary
The Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv) and UBA present joint recommendations for action. read more
Global Soil Week 2013
Once lost, it is gone forever: the soil beneath our feet. Each year, billions of tonnes are lost due to erosion, indiscriminant environmental exploitation and poor political decisions. Hunger and the intensification of conflicts over land rights are some of the devastating results of this loss. Yet, it is not too late to work against the further loss of our soil. read more
Reducing land use: UBA launches pilot project
An area the size of 113 football pitches is designated for new settlements and transport areas every day in Germany. A solution to this problem might be the introduction of a system of supraregional trade in land area certificates whereby every city and municipality has a limited amount of land area outside of existing settlements on which new building is allowed. read more