Heat pumps will play a key role in the future, greenhouse gas-neutral heating of buildings. Last year, every fourth new heating system in Germany was already a heat pump. Nevertheless, there are still many misconceptions and a lack of information about their potential use. read more
Here's how heat pumps work!
Blue Angel for wood-burning stoves: Dust precipitators can reduce ultrafine particles by 97 percent
The Hesse State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) investigated the emission of ultrafine particles (UFP) and the effectiveness of electrostatic precipitators to reduce fine dust emissions from a wood-burning stove. read more
National emissions trading: CO₂ emissions fell by 5.9 per cent in 2022
In the second year of the national emissions trading scheme (nEHS), emissions within its scope amounted to 288.5 million tonnes of CO₂. read more
Carbon border adjustment mechanism CBAM ensures fair competitive conditions for climate-friendly feedstock production in the EU
The conditions for the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) are currently being created across the EU. CBAM ensures that the CO₂ emissions of certain energy-intensive imported products are given a price. read more
Renewable energies continue to pick up speed in 2023
The total share of renewable energies in energy consumption (electricity, heat and transport) rose to 22 per cent in Germany in 2023. In 2022, this share was at 20.8 per cent. This positive development was the result of a growth of renewables in the electricity and heat sector while overall energy demand declined. read more
Citizens call for more urban greening and depaving to combat heat
Citizens expect the Federal Government to take decisive action against the consequences of climate change. This is the key outcome of the five regional dialogue events on climate adaptation, which were handed over to State Secretary Christiane Rohleder at the Federal Environment Ministry today. read more
How to improve the International Standard on carbon neutrality
The International Organization for Standardizations (ISO) last year published the first standard on carbon neutrality of organizations and products. In a new factsheet, the German Environment Agency (UBA) outlines its strength and shortcomings and draws some conclusions relevant to companies, verifiers, courts and policymakers. read more
Federal “Blue Compass” award launches in new round of competition
As of today, projects can once again apply for the “Blue Compass” federal award – the highest state award in Germany for projects to adapt to the consequences of climate change. The award is aimed at local authorities, private and municipal companies, educational and research institutions as well as clubs, associations and foundations. The deadline for applications is March 22, 2024. read more