

Chemicals in articles: EU LIFE Project AskREACH

Ein Barcode auf einem Produkt wir mit einem Smartphone gescannt

The AskREACH project aims at raising awareness on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in articles among the European population, retailers and industry. AskREACH developed the smartphone app Scan4Chem which can be used to readily receive information on SVHCs in consumer articles or send information requests to suppliers. The European Chemicals Regulation REACH provides the legal framework. read more

News on Chemicals

Chemicals in articles: EU LIFE Projekt AskREACH started

Ein Barcode auf einem Produkt wir mit einem Smartphone gescannt

Certain substances are harmful to man and the environment. The AskREACH project will raise awareness on Substances of Very High Concern in articles among the European population, retailers and industry. Consumers can use a smartphone app to get information on such substances or send requests for information to suppliers. The European Chemicals Regulation REACH provides the legal framework. read more

Economy | Consumption


Shopping Mall

There is a huge variety of products as well the environmental impact which is the inevitable consequence of today’s consumerism. Often it is no easy matter to find out available ecofriendly-products amongst the labyrinth of choices. Ecolabels should provide guidance and orientation. The UBA is committed to promote a wider use of environmentally friendly products and their success on the market. read more

Economy | Consumption

Toxic substances in products

two little boys are playing with plastic toys on the floor

Carpets, notebooks or rubber boots: toxic substances can be found in almost everything. The purpose of environmental and health protection is to steadily reduce the number of toxic substances in products as well as their release from products. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment