Your search for "pfas" resulted in 172 hits:

Artikel | created on 30.03.2022 | changed on 26.04.2022

Chemical contamination in the Antarctic

Contaminants can persist in the environment for a long time and be transported over long distances. They have even been detected in remote regions such as Antarctica. There, they can accumulate along the food chain and cause harmful effects in organisms. As a result, they pose a risk to the sensitive Antarctic ecosystems. read more

Artikel | created on 05.03.2024 | changed on 05.09.2024

Developing a concept for a Polar Environmental Monitoring Program

Monitoring pollution levels is of crucial importance for the protection of the Antarctic, for understanding global interrelationships and for shaping international environmental and chemicals policy. UBA has therefore launched an international research project to compile data from pollutant monitoring programs of selected Antarctic Treaty states. read more

Artikel | created on 23.09.2020 | changed on 22.02.2024

German Environmental Survey, GerES VI (2023-2024)

The German Environment Agency (UBA) conducts the German Environmental Survey for Adults, GerES VI (2023–2024) to collect information on the burden of the adult population in Germany with environmental pollutants. Samples of tap water, urine, blood, house dust, and indoor air are analysed along with information acquired by questionnaires during a home visit. read more

Publikation | created on 21.04.2022 | changed on 21.04.2022

Zusatzbericht zu dem nationalen Durchführungsplan der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Stockholmer Übereinkommen 2020

Persistente organische Schadstoffe – sog. ⁠POP⁠ (engl. Persistent Organic Pollutants) sind aufgrund ihrer negativen Eigenschaften Gegenstand des Stockholmer Übereinkommens zu POP und des POP-Protokolls. Ziel der internationalen Abkommen ist es, Produktion, Verwendung und Freisetzungen dieser Substanzen soweit wie möglich zu reduzieren bzw. zu beenden. Um den Verpflichtungen unter dem Stockholm... read more

Publikation | created on 01.12.2021 | changed on 07.03.2024

Chemikalieneintrag in Gewässer vermindern – Trifluoracetat (TFA) als persistente und mobile Substanz mit vielen Quellen

Trifluoracetat (TFA) ist ein mobiler und persistenter Stoff, der primär durch den Abbau verschiedener Fluorchemikalien in den Wasserkreislauf eingetragen wird und dort auf unabsehbare Zeit verbleibt. Bereits jetzt besteht eine hohe Grundbelastung vieler Gewässer mit TFA mit einigen regionalen Hotspots. Dieses Hintergrundpapier präsentiert aktuelle Daten und Abschätzungen zu Quellen, Eintragspf... read more

Publikation | created on 29.11.2019 | changed on 29.11.2019

Protecting the sources of our drinking water: The criteria for identifying persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) substances and very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances under EU Regulation REACH (EC) No 1907/2006

Chemicals with a specific combination of intrinsic substance properties pose a hazard to the sources of our drinking water, including substances that are very persistent (vP) in the environment and very mobile (vM) in the aquatic environment as well as substances that are persistent (P), mobile (M), and toxic (T). This publication presents the result of the scientific and technical development... read more

Artikel | created on 27.06.2014 | changed on 13.01.2023

German Environmental Survey, GerES 2014-2017

From 2014 to 2017, the German Environment Agency investigated the exposure of children and adolescent exposure to environmental influences in Germany. Families were selected to participate in the survey according to certain statistical criteria. They providedimportant insights into the health of today’s young generation – including a health check of the environmental impact on their children. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment