Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 6989 hits:

Publikation | created on 15.09.2022 | changed on 26.10.2022

Staying on course in a crisis- accelerating progress forward towards industrial decarbonisation!

Germany is an industrialised country with a strong production and export sector in the heart of Europe. However, German industry is dependent to varying degrees on imports of energy sources, raw materials and semi-finished products. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is having many consequences - from the break-up and rebuilding of previous supply chains to possible and already impleme... read more

Projekt des Beratungshilfeprogramms | created on 09.04.2019 | changed on 08.09.2020

Application of energy-efficient and climate-friendly refrigeration and heating technologies in Ukraine

The aim of the project was to promote the framework conditions in Ukraine for the use of climate-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration and heating technologies in accordance with European legislation. The focus was on the broad dissemination of the necessary technical knowledge and the development of appropriate institutional and political guidlines.Guidlines in Russian Language availabl... read more

Publikation | created on 20.07.2023 | changed on 05.04.2024

Konsumentenorientierte Ansätze einer nachhaltigen Bereitstellung von Palmöl

Die Publikation beinhaltet die Synthese der Ergebnisse aus drei Arbeitspaketen (AP) im Projekt „Konsumentenorientierte Ansätze einer nachhaltigen Bereitstellung von Palmöl“.  Ergebnisse aus AP 1 bieten dabei einen Überblick zu Nachhaltigkeitsproblematik im Palmölsektor, AP 2 liefert Beobachtungen nach aktiver Begleitung und Wirkungsabschätzung laufender Prozesse im Rahmen einer Akteursanalyse ... read more

Publikation | created on 16.08.2023 | changed on 16.08.2023

National Energy and Climate Plans: Evidence of Policy Impacts and Options for more Transparency

The meta study makes suggestions on content requirements, transparency and comprehensibility of NECP reporting and contributes to its further development. The authors analysed the German NECP and the NECPs of Denmark, France, Sweden and Slovenia. The focus was on the methodology of ex-ante and ex-post evaluations, the contributions of 23 PaMs to the achievement of the EU climate protection and... read more

Artikel | created on 16.03.2022 | changed on 24.03.2022

Water Body Type of the Year 2022 "Groundwater"

The motto for World Water Day 2022 is "Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible". This is why "groundwater" was chosen as the water body type of the year this year. The largest available freshwater resources on earth lie invisibly underground. For many people in the world, groundwater is the only available source of drinking water. read more

Publikation | created on 10.10.2023 | changed on 10.10.2023

Stärkung des Umweltschutzes in der EU-Strukturfondsförderung II

Ziel der EU-Kohäsionspolitik ist es, die Unterschiede im Entwicklungsstand und der Lebensverhältnisse der verschiedenen Regionen der EU zu verringern und den wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und territorialen Zusammenhalt der Union sowie eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu stärken. Ziel des Forschungsprojekts war zum einen die Analyse, welche Möglichkeiten und Ansätze zur Förderung von Umwelt-, Natur-, ... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment