Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 195 hits:

News | created on 12.10.2023 | changed on 13.10.2023

Climate protection through Circular Economy in Germany and the EU

For the EU27 and Germany, the climate protection potential of the circular economy was examined for municipal waste, industrial & commercial, construction & demolition and food waste for 2017 and 2030 using the life cycle assessment method. The study shows the sector's GHG mitigation potential, including food waste prevention, in the context of the EU legal framework and the energy tran... read more

News | created on 21.03.2023 | changed on 23.03.2023

Advanced materials: steadily sustainable and safe

Advanced materials are innovative materials of most diverse chemical composition and form. They can offer solutions to global challenges. Examples are carrier systems for novel active ingredients or graphene for future use in batteries. To ensure that the materials are safe and sustainable over their life cycle, certain cornerstones need to be considered. read more

News | created on 18.12.2023 | changed on 18.12.2023

Climate protection is also possible without nuclear energy

A recent analysis of global climate scenarios commissioned by the German Environment Agency shows that nuclear energy is not necessary to achieve the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Instead, it is the rapid and targeted expansion of renewable energies that is crucial to advancing climate protection and the energy transition. read more

News | created on 19.09.2023 | changed on 21.09.2023

OECD handbook reinforces environmental protection in raw material

The new OECD Handbook on Environmental Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains is a milestone for environmental protection in global value chains. For the first time, a clear description is given of how companies can identify, assess and prioritise environmental issues at the beginning of their global supply chains and take measures to prevent, mitigate or find solutions to arising problems. read more

News | created on 12.02.2019 | changed on 14.02.2019

Climate protection and clean air: Polish-German city cooperation

Climate protection and better air quality are important issues in cities in both Poland and Germany. In an advisory assistance project of the German Federal Environment Ministry and the UBA, the exchange of experiences and collaboration between municipalities in Germany and Poland as well as other key stakeholders was intensified for the transition to a low-emissions economy. read more

Projektförderung | created on 16.02.2018 | changed on 21.02.2018

"Energiewende" und "Transition énergétique" lokal: deutsch-französische Klimaschutzpartnerschaft

Das Projekt bringt Kommunen und relevante Akteure, die den kommunalen Klimaschutz gestalten und fördern, aus Deutschland und Frankreich zusammen, um durch vertiefenden Erfahrungsaustausch und Kooperationsprojekte die deutsche Energiewende und die französische Transition énergétique zu inspirieren und auf lokaler Ebene auszugestalten.Ziel ist die Beschleunigung der Umsetzung kommunaler Klimasch... read more

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