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Economy | Consumption

Report on Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the German Ferrous Metals Processing Industry

Final Draft

The goal of this study is to provide background information on (candidate) best available techniques for environmental protection within the German ferrous metals processing industry (hot and cold rolling mills, continuous galvanising lines). It gives information on the energy and materials input and output levels of German rolling mill plants and identifies the impact of certain particular more

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Economy | Consumption

Report on Best Available Techniques (BAT) in Copper Production

Final Draft

On September, 24th, 1996 the Council of the European Communities issued the Directive 96/61/EC on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC-D). This directive aims to achieve a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole. It was enacted especially considering the common environmental goals of the EC, laid down in article 130r, EC-treaty (conservation and protection of more

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Waste | Resources

General requirements for monitoring the recycling of long-lived, technically complex products with an in-depth-analysis of end-of-live vehicles

The present way of production and consumption is characterised by a more or less linear change from products into wastes, leading to constantly increasing amounts of waste. In order to change this general behaviour, more and more take-back obligations are being developed in Germany and other European Member States either on a legally binding basis or on the basis of voluntary agreement. read more

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Waste | Resources, Agriculture

Formulation of criteria for a sustainable and environmentally compatible use of genetically engineered crop cultivars

Criteria for a sustainable and ecologically beneficial use of genetically engineered crop cultivars Currently it is estimated that by the year 2000 more than six billion people, and by the year 2050 more than ten billion people will live on the earth. In order to meet the food requirements of this rapidly growing world population, agricultural production must be increased first of all by more

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Economy | Consumption, Waste | Resources

Valuation as an element of life cycle assessments

German Federal Environmental Agency method for impact indicatorstandardization, impact category grouping (ranking), and interpretation inaccordance with ISO 14042 and 14043 (1999 version)

The present Federal Environmental Agency manual on the use of valuations in life cycle assessments addresses a burning issue in the environmental debate, namely the priority rankings that should be accorded to various environmental impacts.  Apart from the concerns and rivalries aroused by this issue amongst the members of many disciplines, and the tremendous amount of attention it has attracted more

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Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Annual Report 1999 - Federal Environmental Agency

As the “New Style Agency”, the Federal Environmental Agency, also known as the UBA, has been much talked about since its formation in 1974. Since then, the UBA has often provided the initiative for German environmental policy, supplied the facts and made suggestions – for new regulations and limiting values as well as for new techniques and processes. Over the past twenty-five years, it has more

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Guidance Manual for Formulators and Other Professional Users of Chemicals

Following up the research project on „Requirements for Discharges of substances into waters“ (UBA-Texte 60/99) it seemed appropriate to convey the newly gained knowledge to industrial users of water-relevant substances. This was to be done in such a way that they themselves would be able to undertake an assessment of substances according to their environmental soundness. read more

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