International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
Germany again had no exceedances of the particulate matter limit values in 2021. The 40 µg/m³ annual mean limit value for nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is estimated to be exceeded at only one to two percent of the measuring stations close to traffic. More action necessary to protect health. read more
Building materials such as bituminous sheeting, roofing tiles, exterior rendering and plastered facades can release harmful substances into the environment during the building phase, says a new study by the German Environment Agency (UBA). The good news is that pollutant leaching from building envelopes can be prevented almost entirely with little effort. read more
Effective immediately, businesses of all sizes from all sectors, designers and students can submit their projects to apply for the award. The award targets creative design ideas and projects which also meet the highest ecological demands. The application deadline is 18 April 2022. read more
Strict requirements regarding the appearance and size of fruit and vegetables are a burden on the environment because this often requires the use of additional plant protection agents and fertilisers. It also causes unnecessary food losses. The consumer protection centres and UBA call on businesses to offer fruit and vegetables in all sizes and looks as standard. read more
Germany emitted 728.7 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents in 2020. This is around 71 million tonnes or 8.9% less than in 2019, and 41.3% less compared to 1990, according to the results of final calculations submitted by the German Environment Agency (UBA) to the European Commission. Emissions have fallen most significantly in the energy sector. read more
Applications are accepted starting today for the Blauer Kompass, Germany’s highest state award for climate change adaptation projects. The application deadline is 25 March 2022. read more
Scholarship from the German Environment Agency, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and Kulturpark e.V. for artists cooperating with scientists and contemporary witnesses read more
For the sixth time the publishing house Matthes & Seitz Berlin is awarding the German Prize for Nature Writing in cooperation with the German Environment Agency and the Stiftung Kunst und Natur. The competition is under the patronage of President Dirk Messner of the German Environment Agency. Author entries will be accepted until 6 March 2022. read more