International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
The vast majority of Germans already clearly feel the negative consequences of the climate crisis and consider measures for adaptation to be necessary. This is shown by the Environmental Awareness Study 2022 by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV). read more
The project lasted more than two years and is the prelude to a structural change in water management in the affected states of Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin. read more
Emissions from energy plants rose by three percent, while those from industry fell by six percent. This was due to the war against Ukraine and the associated distortions on the energy markets, according to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (UBA). read more
Germany can still achieve its climate targets by 2030. This is the conclusion of a new study by the German Environment Agency (UBA). To do so, Germany would need, among other things, more rail traffic, a reform of the motor vehicle tax and restrictions on fossil-fuel heating. In addition, all emissions would have to be priced and charged to the polluter. read more
The amendment to the Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) transposes important European requirements for drinking water protection into national law. Among other things, it provides for the introduction of risk-based drinking water protection, introduces new parameters and sets lower limits for pollutants such as chromium, arsenic and lead. read more
Sports boats and light aircraft as well as certain leisure equipment, such as bicycles, skis and musical instruments, contain fibre-reinforced composites (FRC). They are often durable, valuable and, as waste, ideally suited for preparation for reuse or recycling. However, structured processing is currently still considered uneconomical and therefore does not take place. read more
A new study for the German Environment Agency (UBA) foresees enormous tasks for the water supply along the Spree River if significantly less groundwater is pumped into the river with the end of brown coal mining in the Lausitz region. According to the study, in dry summer months this can lead to up to 75 per cent less water in the Spree locally. read more
Germany is a good place to bathe. This is confirmed by the EU Commission's report on the quality of European bathing waters, presented on 9 June 2023. According to the report, over 96 percent of the officially designated bathing water sites on lakes, rivers and coasts in Germany were rated "excellent" or "good". A total of 98 percent of all bathing water sites met the minimum requirements. read more